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Brewers Batch - On Tap at Lehi
Strap Tank Brewery - Lehi

Redeemer Rauchbier

ABV: 5.0% | SRM: 3 | FG: 2.0 | IBU: 14

Redeemer Rauchbier is a traditional Bamberg style Rauchbier.
Rauchbier is the name for the smoked lager styles that originate
in Germany. It is pale in color, with a low hop character for the
smokiness of the malt to come through. 50% of the malt is
German beechwood smoked malt with the addition of Pilsner and
Munich malts to give it a bit more residual body. It is crisp and
light, surprisingly refreshing given how smoky this beer is on the
pallet. We triple decocted this recipe to keep within German
tradition. This gives it the complex malt profile that pairs well with
the smoke.

Aroma: Subtle malt sweetness, campfire smoke, slight 
herbaceous finish
Appearance: Pale/Straw in color, white fluffy head, clarity will 
improve over time.
Flavor: Smokey malt forward, with hints of residual grain 
Mouthfeel: light to low medium body, crisp, refreshing

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Strap Tank Brewery - Lehi

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