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Lehi Seasonal - On Tap at Lehi
Strap Tank Brewery - Lehi

British Steel Brown

ABV: 5.0% | SRM: 22 | FG: 2.5 | IBU: 15

British Steel Brown is our version of a light English nut-brown pub
ale. This beer is heavy with the malt profile and low on the hops.
The aroma is heavy on the malt with biscuity, nutty, and slightly
roasted characteristics as the dominate features. The flavor is
medium to full body with malt forward characteristics including
biscuit, toffee, and a slightly roasted/bitter finish from the roasted
malts and the English hops used. It has subtle stone fruit
characteristics on the back end including apricot and plum. The
appearance is dark copper with brown hues in the middle and will
appear slightly hazy in keeping with the tradition of non-filtration.
Carbonation is on the lower end to keep with English traditions as

Appearance: Creamy off-white head, slightly hazy, dark 
copper/light brown
Aroma: Malt forward, biscuit, nutty, slightly roasted
Flavor: Malt forward: biscuit, nutty, cracker, apricot and plum finish
Mouthfeel: Medium to full body, low carb, smooth

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Strap Tank Brewery - Lehi

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